What is the Right Position to Keep Your Phone in Pocket? - Kapali Mobiles


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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

What is the Right Position to Keep Your Phone in Pocket?

I love xiaomi

Welcome back to another chapter of 
"TECH DISCOVERY"About TECH DISCOVERY : In this series we create some posts on technological stuffs and apart from that we would like to take your suggestions, idea and reviews about any topic (bounded by tech). We hope you would like this new concept of techinical talk show.
Let's start!

Smartphone has become an indispensable part of our daily life. Putting smartphones into our pockets after using has become our habits. But many users may find that the charging speed of their smartphones is becoming slower. But why?   

The reason lies in the position of charging port.
Most of us palce our phones in pockets. If charging post is placed downside, many dust will come in and may affect the efficency of charging. For example:
  • Any food item may go inside, blocks the charger to enter.
  • Tiny peebles may daamage the charging port.
  • Dust may get stuck inside, and you can't chage.

How about taking nessesary steps to make charging and other ports free from damage?
  • Always keep your charging ports upside inside your pocket

Many mobile companies , i.e Xiaomi has started making phone that has all ports in the same place including speaker grill, for that you can listen songs via earphone, or phone sound gets louder by keeping charging port , earphone jack and speaker grill upside in your pocket.

If you have any better idea to keep phones in your pocket please reply in the comments below!
So How Do You Place Your Phone Inside Pockets?

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